It is with great sorrow in our hearts that we pay tribute to our dear friend Anand Vaidya, who passed away on October 11th 2024 (b. 1976).
With his immense kindness, joy and generosity, Anand has inspired all of us who have had the good fortune to work with him. He was a brilliant philosopher, always open to new ideas and philosophical horizons, and always willing to help others.
This is an incredible loss to philosophy and to the world.
Anand, thank you for all you have taught us.
We will miss you forever, dear friend.
The Society for Yoga and Philosophy seeks to provide a space for open, careful, and innovative philosophical reflection on yoga. We understand yoga as a complex and dynamic body of philosophies and practices originated in India, whose influence has expanded around the globe transforming millions of lives in a variety of ways. We believe that continuous philosophical engagement with the ideas and systems of thoughts found in yogic texts, oral, and embodied traditions—ancient and contemporary—can contribute not only to a better understanding of them but also, to the enrichment of philosophy as a whole.

56th Annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, September 16–18 2024.
PRAGUE, Charles University, Faculty of Arts.
Find out more in events.

New Publications:
- “From Yogic Powers to Technological Powers.” Available here:
- “The Nakedness of Prakṛti: A Sāṃkhya-Yoga Reading of Aubrey Menen’s The Space within the Heart.” Available here:

12th East-West Philosophers’ Conference, University of Hawai’i, May 24 – June 2.
The Society will participate with the panel:
- Sāṅkhya-Yoga Philosophy on Health and Healthy Ways of Knowing
Find out more in events.

XXV World Congress Philosophy, Sapienza University of Rome, August 1-8.
The Society will participate with two panels:
- Dualist and Pluralist Trends in Indian Philosophy
- Celebrating the Centenary of Daya Krishna: Demand of Values, Contrary Thinking and Global Philosophy
Find out more in events.
New Publication:
“The Mātṛka Dance: Conceptualizing the Dancing Body of the Goddess”, in Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions,
New Publication:
“Philosophical Incantations (Itihāsa and Epode). The Power of Narrative Reason in the Mahābhārata”, in Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East,